Frequently asked Questions

Where is your showroom located?

We do not have a showroom.

Do you have cars in stock?


Who are we and what do we do?

We are a company that buys cars from auctions of official dealers and leasing companies of the European Union.

Do you have an office?

Yes, our companies are registered throughout Europe, please check individually with the manager.

Can I see the car and check it before purchasing?

Unfortunately, this is not possible, all cars are at auctions at dealers in different countries, for this we have our company, which provides services for the purchase, delivery and customs clearance of the car in your name.

Where do these cars come from at auctions and why are they cheaper?

We buy cars to order in the name of the client from dealer auctions in three categories:

Test drives – are cars from official German dealers with a mileage of up to 8,000 kilometers.

Leased – are used cars, minus payments by the lessee, with a mileage of no more than 80,000 km.

Advertising – are cars covered with advertising banners, dealer logos, which last 1-2 years on advertising platforms, mileage does not exceed 1-2 thousand km.

Cars in these three categories are 20-25% cheaper, and German VAT of 19% is also refunded, which in total gives us a good competitive price 39-44% below the market.

Can I come to your office to sign a contract and pay the full amount?

Yes, we can make an appointment for you on a free date, you will come sign the contract and pay us the money in a convenient way.

Is the price fixed on the website?

The price on the website is fixed, but you need to pay additional shipping costs, auction fees and customs clearance in your country.

What is the cost of customs clearance?

Please contact us individually for each country.

How can I be sure that the car is in perfect condition?

According to the contract that we conclude with you, we undertake and guarantee the delivery of the car in perfect condition, not damaged or painted. Upon purchase, you will be sent a report on the condition of your car.

How long does delivery take?

7 to 30 days, depends on the shipping method and your country’s location.

What is the delivery guarantee?

A concluded agreement for the purchase, delivery and customs clearance of a car in your name from our company.

How can I pay you money?

Bank transfer or cryptocurrency.

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